Board Meeting April
Sat, Apr 03
|Zoom Call
Please let us know if you are coming by RSVP

Time & Location
Apr 03, 2021, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Zoom Call
About the event
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 3998 4521
Passcode: 305340
One tap mobile
+13462487799,,82939984521# US (Houston)
+12532158782,,82939984521# US (Tacoma)
1,  Commodore  –  Bob Delzell,   bobdelzell@gmail.com
Welcome and opening remarks.
2. Â Secretary - Andrea Gamber, secretaryvisayc@gmail.com
- Approve quorum
- Approve MinutesÂ
- Â Â Â Introduction of prospective new members by Heather Millar:
3. Â Vice Commodore - Walker Nelms, w.nelms@cox.net
4. Â Treasurer-Pam Poldiak, treasurevisayc@gmail.com
5. Â Fleet Captain - Â Â Mike Curl, Michael.curl4@gmail.com
6.  Rear Commodore of Facilities and Campus – Richard Philippe, n136er@hotmail.com
7. Â Â Rear Commodore of Programs, Activities and Youth (PAY) - Catherine Eubank, gruvencat@hotmail.com
8.  Rear Commodore of Finance  - Bill Gillespie, wgillespie@gillespieagencyllc.com